Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fountain of You

Song is a perpetual embrace
By the wings of the Beloved
A treasured kiss from beneath
The heavenly Tree~
From hearts
the gentle winds of love's kindness whirling round.

Beloved, song in the night
Of cool glorious Spring~
Song as a kiss upon my Soul,
A kiss upon the seed,
A seed of Joy and wonder
Welcomed virtue shared
That springs from simple
Flowing Brilliant waters~
Waters flowing only and everlastingly for YOU.
My heart beats for you.

OH !
Fountain of my dream, !
A call to love sung from a star!!!
In your placid wings of Mercy
Upon that star is ever where we ARE!

Gratitude for Life

In matter's place
We are meant to strive
Till dawn becomes and
Dreams come alive!
Temptation flounces
Destiny of deadening mediocrity!
Imagination mists and Veils
We  twining Serpents
Eat our tails

A whispered floridly pursuit
Of dreams and visions never mute
The Song of freedom strummed beneath
As stars pull upward on our feet
To climb the Journey, Hero's tell
Oft means one's visit to one's  Hell
To swiftly slay the magnitude
Of unexplained ingratitude

First Rock

First Rock 

Oh, beloved,
the first rock thrown
shattering the walls
of my benign and lethal indifference!
the Goliath
of apathy and shrewd denial
the loving hand of Life's
Disintegrating blow!
Infinite Most High of Unimaginable Splendor
Deep Bow before your gracious proclamations!
I seek and will not find the first, as it is all the first!

You are a star, a drum in 'Heaven!'
Each beat a Vision 'still' in time for it to "see"
The mirror fall!
As space invites us
Some resting, floating 'pon a river's
Song of "destiny"
Empty words, now fail
As it is Mother's chanting!
Our birth as ONE in her travails! ♥

Hear our hearts beat as one!
Thankful sojourners in 'time'
Your children
Your breaks and quakes
Like ours, Women~
Mothers loving Fathers
Sons and daughters, Sun and Moon!
Words hollow now,
Beat drums of Unity!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One Night, One Heart

One Night, One Heart

One night my love eternal,
Whirling stars remembered sharing
Silk songs of we the singer as the song~
A unison of strings strum,
We are kisses, musings faring
As our heart beats true
the mirrors clear the view~

Two hearts as bliss
A thread of silken dandelion wishes
Our blood knows wild the fiery wait's been long!
Our voices in the night rip bright,
The veil of trembling two-ness
Burning, willing floating feast delights!

Embraces deepen
Ocean's swelling salty dew rests light upon our skin~
Our tongues are flower petals in the wind~
Love, the winged, golden cup
spills spheres of singing climbing, blinding one
To see the real as real at last!

Upon the night's full moon as light
our words are gazing embers' heights
All strageness gone our silence is our bed~
No science failed our passion's pulsing veins!

A moment"s artful destined taste
as parted still we do lay waste
the one last veil that hangs upon the door!
Yes parted flames are our delight
We breathe our scents united bright
the tetra flask spills bliss upon our Rose!

Sweet wine and bells ring hues of joy,
Your song surrounds me now in fractal lights!
Soon my love I feel your breath
Your waiting nest is warm for me it's time!
Alas, my love, the phoenix rise!
We are the winged chalice empty now!
The ashes time's demise!
Transforming lightning fills it once again!