Thursday, January 18, 2018


Sweet embraces 
swim salty shadows of passion's Moon 
and fuel the storms of Angels as a 
winged show of lights, 
sparking tender heart beats in unison 
with the rushing waters upon the shore of our skin, 
as we are kissed deeply by LOVE itself!~
Moon's light

Upon the night's full moon
as light
Our songs are gazing 
embers' heights
All strageness gone our whispers 
warm our bed~
No science failed our passion's whirling hearts!♥

Fusion Bell

Love! A fusion bell of flowing leaves 
Upon a swelling river's glittering, shimmering skin!
Warm fog mists the darkness heavy laden with desire's breath! 
Trees enjoy our tangled dance 
Upon the dewy garden valley 
Where shadows pattern moonlight
O'er the lantern's glow at our feet.
The breathless kiss!
Oh seed of roses held as lovers' scent!
One moonlit promise a future vision 

carried by the wind!♥