Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gossamer Cubes

Where lines meet within the fullness of emotion
Gossamer songs among remembered plans.
True hearts pulse breath amid a notion
Of moments spent allowing voice through hands.

Song of resonating pearls and silent light views,
As mirrored movement sprout the violet seeds,
Destroying  scent wave’s likeness in the sinews,
To wipe the mind of gardens flowering clean.

Re-style the shapes within and out the windows
Of tissue tendrils flowing long and bright~
Take up the sword of green intention
And slice each tendril while in flight!

With ardent passion seek the cube of lightness.
View the rainbows’ leaping cloud’s caress.
Reveal the tetra-oil of infinite brightness,
While freeing seeming seams of Love’s prowess

Cubes as cubes begat the shapes of glory
As songs of waves remains a flight,
And dark as darkness tells the story,
Of  truth revealed in dreams at night!

Luana R. Lo Presti                                                                                                                          February 23, 2010


  1. First of all, my friend, Luana, I am so pleased you got your ass in gear and finally made this BLOG!! Congrats! You needed for a long time a place to put poetry and prose! This is better than FB and stuff, b/c you control all aspects.

    Re: the poem---trippy, flows nicely--liked the image of the tissue tedrils and I can image spinning in air with sword and cutting them all in like 1/20 of a second. Like it.

  2. this poem sounds so heavenly...you have made me see this place with beautiful pure light in it..this place comes from your heart and your Soul...you are truly a great poet my Dearest...thank you for sharing this with me...with Love(+)

    ps I love your blogsite...like entering a Lotus Flower Blooming in the morning*
