Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vantage Point

From the dreamer's vantage point
I call to you by light, by night
Whispering through the cloudy realms,
dodging heights of darkness depths
Swirling over under in experience like wanted rain.

At my lovely table rests a chalice
Shared within our breast
Of beating hearts divine as
Desert flowers spear their scents to
Hypnotise the moment into time.

Memories fine as gossamer are
Webbed about my mind as honey strings,
Of you, your heart a beat,
A pebble in my body's pond
The thought of you creates a speed
A song my body sings

A call to you I feel
Your call to me
A caterpillar crawling up a tree
I feel your
Fingers playing with my hair
I turn to kiss you
You're not there

Materialize, Oh phantom of the deep !
The deepest shadow, ne'er to keep
Confined within this bowl of depths
So blind as spiders' prey !
I dream you NOW into the DAY !!


  1. ~WOW!!!~I can see how this was named vantage point~I am seeing this as I read it~

    1. Hi Dom...I just saw this comment. How are you? Thank you !
      Love !
